Welcome to

OneStep ahead

Where health meets speed and simplicity

Flat Outlined Fruits
Cute Messy Cutout Strawberries

Welcome to Your one stop shop for fresh produce

Bright Slice of Watermelon
Cute Messy Cutout Broccoli
Bright Slice of Watermelon

OneStepAhead is a nutrition-transportation company focused on bringing fresh ingredients from local farms to homes, offices, and schools across America. We buy locally grown fruits and vegetables, package them at our one-of-a-kind facilities, and ship them to you faster than other transportation companies like Amazon, FedEx, and USPS*

Cute Messy Cutout Strawberries
Cute Messy Cutout Broccoli
Bright Slice of Watermelon
Bright Slice of Watermelon
Use code EASTER10
Cute Messy Cutout Strawberries
Cute Messy Cutout Broccoli
For 10 off

*The claims that we are faster than Amazon, FedEx, and USPS are not fact and have not been proven.

colorful easter egg garland
Easter rabbit icon. Easter decoration. Flat style.


Use Code ​EASTER10 ​for 10% ​off


Easter rabbit, easter Bunny
Easter element icon illustration with decorative eggs.



small sized box container with an average load of meats, fresh produce, and dairy products.

3 Apples

2 Bananas

3 Oranges

3 Grapefruits

10 Blueberries

5 Strawberries

2 Avocados

3 Broccoli‘s

1 Cabbage

2 Herbs

3 Lettuce

2 Peppers

1 Whole Milk

3 Cheese’s

12 Eggs

1lbs of Lentils

1 Chicken



​Medium sized box container with an average load ​of meats, fresh produce, and dairy products.

6 Apples

4 Bananas

6 Oranges

6 Grapefruits

20 Blueberries

10 Strawberries

4 Avocados

6 Broccoli‘s

2 Cabbage

4 Herbs

6 Lettuce

4 Peppers

2 Whole Milk

6 Cheese’s

24 Eggs

2lbs of Lentils

2 Chicken



Large sized box container with an average load ​of meats, fresh produce, and dairy products.

8 Apples

6 Bananas

8 Oranges

8 Grapefruits

30 Blueberries

20 Strawberries

6 Avocados

8 Broccoli‘s

4 Cabbage

6 Herbs

8 Lettuce

6 Peppers

4 Whole Milk

8 Cheese’s

30 Eggs

4lbs of Lentils

3 Chicken

Guest Reviews

Woman Leaning on the Wall of Traditional Korean House

“The Meals are fresh and delicious, would buy again”

- Kiara

Business Portrait of Young Woman

“10/10 I greatly enjoyed the food and meals that were provided, i would buy this again and would pay even more for this”

- Carole

Man in Suede Business Jacket

“Got a subsciption and it allowed me to get all the food i need withought having to order again and again”

- Steve

(None of these people are real and they did not say these quotes)

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